
Halocell Energy Purchases Module Manufacturing Plant

September 6, 2021
Sunset through the trees over Flowerdale Lagoon

Following being informed that the existing manufacturing facility operated by Tindo Solar in Adelaide was to be replaced by a plant of greater capacity, Greatcell Energy made a successful bid for the existing plant at auction.

Tindo Solar is the only solar module manufacturer in Australia. The plant Greatcell has acquired in continuous operation until recently, producing silicon modules profitably for the Australian and S.E Asian retail market places. The facility needs an operating area of 600 sqm and is planned to be installed in warehouse space adjacent to our factory in Bomen.

Pending minor modifications to the new site, the plant has been placed in storage under instruction by engineers contracted by Greatcell.

The module manufacturing plant will advance our manufacturing plans. It will be utilised both as an R&D and as a prototyping facility for Greatcell Australia to test and trial assembly and encapsulation of our single layer and tandem perovskite solar cells in an industrial environment. Greatcell Energy expects to continue to collaborate with Tindo Solar in the recommissioning phase of the plant and the potential development of tandem solar modules.

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