
Halocell Europe has successfully been awarded two European projects

October 31, 2023
Sunset through the trees over Flowerdale Lagoon

SUNREY (Boosting SUstaiNability, Reliability and EfficiencY of perovskite PV through novel materials and process engineering) coordinated by Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschungin Germany. SUNREY will develop a range of new material and device concepts to boost performance and enhance stability, maintaining a focus on scalable low-cost and sustainable production, and minimising environmental hazards. The project started on the 1st of November 2022 and will last for 36months. Halocell Italia will receive €478,000 Euro as part of the project.

SolMates(Scalable High-Power Output and Low-Cost Made-to-Measure Tandem Solar Modules Enabling Specialised PV Applications)coordinated by Universitaet Innsbruck. SolMates aims to provide a novel industrial, scalable technology for producing flexible, durable, made-to-measure, two-terminal CIGSe/perovskite multijunction thin-film PVmodules. The project will start on the 1st of December 2023 and will last for 36 months. Halocell Europe will receive €407,500 as part of the project.


Halocell Europe, in coordination with Halocell Australia will focus its work on lead free modules and cells to be atthe forefront of EU regulations. Halocell Europe will focus on developing Bismuth-based perovskite as it is a promising candidate to replace lead or tin. The bestcell efficiency demonstrated in literature for indoor application of a Bismuth-basedcell is 9.5% (lab scale). TheThe material can also be processed withindustrial compatible methods which is key to project viability.

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Director, Chairman of Halocell Europe

Luca Sorbello

Luca Sorbello holds a Master of“Business Organization and Management” and PhD from the Engineering Management school at Tor Vergata.
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