
AgriPark Inauguration at CSU

June 30, 2021
Sunset through the trees over Flowerdale Lagoon

On 29 April, Halocell Australia was an invited exhibitor at the AgriPark Inauguration held at the Charles Sturt University Convention Centre in Wagga Wagga. Agripark is the link between academia and industry under the sponsorship of Charles Sturt University (CSU). Companies involved in the agricultural sector can apply for membership and gain assistance from CSU in the industrialisation and commercialisation of their technologies. Halocell Australia is a founding member of Agripark, and we took the opportunity to our banner – HARVESTING LIGHT. This is a very appropriate banner for PSC which has the unique property of producing power in virtually any light conditions. Halocell''s PSC maximises the absorption of light, harvesting it from dawn to dusk. At the Agripark Inauguration, we met and shared the excitement of PSC with several Agripark companies in the ‘digital farming’ space.

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